Digital marketing’s more than just the future: it’s the present. Hell, it’s practically the past. But it’s not too late to hop on board. With screen time at an all-time high and new technology stretching our limits daily, digital marketing’s reach is only getting wider. It’s all about grabbing the viewer’s attention and holding on tight—through search engines, emails, social media, apps, and beyond.

Our Cause

We want to make influencer marketing easier and effective. This is why we work both on brand awareness metrics and number of conversions with a data-driven approach. Our influencer marketing agency is also keen in educate our clients on the latest influencer marketing and social media trends and be there for them, no matter their time-zone or type of project.

Our people are what set us apart. We have a fully integrated team of experts all housed under one roof that work diligently together to help your business grow and succeed!

"Our goal is to make creative and effective campaigns. And make our clients happy."

We’ve gone to great lengths to make sure small to medium-sized businesses have access to the same digital marketing services typically available only to large companies. By doing this, we actively help businesses of all sizes to have an equal opportunity to succeed.


An experienced team to provide a full suite of services that can help you create tailored influencer strategies and campaigns that connect with your target audience.


With this strategy, campaigns are optimized, producing improved ROI, cost-effectiveness, and brand visibility while also spotting growth opportunities.


Provides unique opportunities to scale campaigns quickly, engage audiences directly, and convert prospects into loyal customers no matter the size of the project.

Strategic Marketing Consulting and Audits

Want to build a content marketing plan from scratch? If you have a strategy and have found it lacking, are you ready to audit and revamp your existing plan? Our strategic consulting services may include development of buyer personas, messaging, tone of voice guides,  competitor research, marketing resource and budget planning, web content audits, site information architecture, email marketing strategy, social media and paid ad strategy, and editorial calendar development. The specific scope of our consulting services is based on your goals and organizational maturity. 


  • Early stage startup CEOs and marketing leaders
  • Marketing leaders at SMBs
  • Line of business marketing leaders in enterprise orgs

social media

Like it or hate it, social media’s the glue that holds the world together (for now). That’s where your target audience is, so that’s where you have to go to reach them, and good social engagement can do wonders for your brand. You can get that engagement one of two ways: first, you can create amazing content that gets shares and likes organically. Or second, you can pay to get your content where people will see it. The most successful brands use a carefully balanced combination of the two.


Pay per click means—wait for it!—that you pay a fee each time your ad is clicked. Basically, you’re buying visitors to your site. When advertisers bid for ad placement in the sponsored links that show up on a search page, that’s a form of pay per click. Investing in PPC help you to find out those customers who might not be able to find you through traditional organic results.

Email Marketing

Email remains one of the most competitive marketing channels - and one of the most effective (when done right!). This is the sending of letters to current and potential customers in order to increase conversions, promote a particular product or increase brand awareness in general.

Hire a team of experienced professionals
for your next project.

Our knowledge of social media platforms allows for us to be able to effectively market your company and services with the goal of maintaining current customer relationships while developing new ones. Our efforts to create relevant content can increase brand awareness and help you to generate new leads.


What are some digital marketing strategies?

Any of the following fit under the category: PPC (pay-per-click). SEO (search engine optimization), blogging and article writing, social media marketing, and email marketing. The best digital marketing strategies combine these tactics and others along with the expertise of a veteran strategist to be the most successful.

Well, why not? It can be an extremely low cost but effective way to reach your targeted audience. Plus, with technology advancing and the number of people using technology only increasing, it’s not going anywhere.

That’s a loaded question. Here’s a starting point. First, figure out how you’re planning to reach your targeted audience. A couple of things to keep in mind:

- Identify your buyer persona. Who are you selling to?
- Clarify your goals and the objectives; list the tools you’ll need to accomplish them. What are you trying to do?
- Review and evaluate your assets and existing digital channels. What do you have to work with?
- Plan out your media campaigns, promotions, and ads. What are you going to do?

Sky’s the limit when it comes to using available technology. When it comes to making your business stand out, you’ve got to be creative. A few tips:

- Make sure your business has different creative visuals that stand out
Budget your money wisely
- Do your research. Figure out what’s trending and what’s working for different people, then see how you can use that knowledge to better increase your reach
- Make sure you’ve identified your targeted audience
- Constantly check and find ways to integrate all marketing channels
- Establish your business on multiple platforms

A budget won’t stay the same for every project or campaign you host. As in life, a campaign’s budget changes for a variety of reasons. Consider these factors when allocating for your digital marketing budget:

- Marketing goals
- Past results
- What’s working for other companies
- Your available options
- Testing out new strategies

Digital marketing is any marketing strategy that uses the internet, social media, or technology such as phones, computers, tablets, and any other digital platform to help promote a business.

Get In Touch


2 Ul. Fryderyka Chopina
05-822 Milanówek